Important Beat Generation poet, involved with San Francisco Renaissance.
[1] Zen Buddhist monk, San Francisco, 1973. University: BA, Reed College (1951)
The Source (23-Jan-1999) · Himself
Author of books:
Like I Say (1960)
Memoirs of an Interglacial Age (1960)
Every Day (1965, poetry)
You Didn't Even Try (1967, novel)
On Bear's Head (1969, poetry)
Imaginary Speeches for a Brazen Head (1972, novel)
Decompressions (1978, poetry)
Off the Wall: Interviews with Philip Whalen (1978, interviews)
Enough Said (1980, poetry)
Heavy Breathing: Poems, 1967�1980 (1983, poetry)
Canoeing up Carbaga Creek: Buddhist Poems, 1955�1986 (1995, poetry)
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