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Rodolphe Töpffer

Rodolphe TöpfferBorn: 31-Jan-1799
Birthplace: Geneva, Switzerland
Died: 8-Jun-1846
Location of death: Geneva, Switzerland
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Cartoonist

Nationality: Switzerland
Executive summary: The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck

Progenitor of the modern comic strip; praised by Goethe for his caricatures. Author of the first comic strip published in America, Les Amours de Mr. Vieux Bois (1827, rev. 1837), translated (without his permission) as The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck (14-Sep-1842) and published (without his permission) as a supplement to the humor magazine Brother Jonathan.

"Je me cache pour dessiner. Je vais dans ma cave pour composer mes dr�leries."

Father: Wolfgang-Adam Töpffer (drawing instructor of Princess Josephine of France)

Appears in articles:
T�pffer in America, Comic Art, DETAILS: Summer 2003
Rodolphe T�pffer, McSweeney's, DETAILS: Issue 13, 2004

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