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Vicente Aleixandre

AKA Vicente Pío Marcelino Cirilo Aleixandre y Merlo

Born: 26-Apr-1898
Birthplace: Sevilla, Spain
Died: 14-Dec-1984
Location of death: Madrid, Spain
Cause of death: Tuberculosis
Remains: Buried, Cemetery of the Almudena, Madrid, Spain

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Poet

Nationality: Spain
Executive summary: Spanish surrealist poet

Vicente Aleixandre studied and taught law before chronic tuberculosis ended that career. An invalid for the rest of his life, he wrote dozens of books of Spanish-language poems. He said he was influenced by the writings of Sigmund Freud, and his work has been described as metaphysical, surrealist, and existentialist. Unable to flee the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, he made it clear in several published poems that he opposed the right-wing dictator Francisco Franco, and for this his writings were banned by Franco.

Aleixandre won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1977, but was too ill with kidney and heart ailments to attend the ceremonies. After receiving his Nobel honors, several collections of his poems were translated and published in English. He never married, rarely left his home, and lingered for months in a coma before his death in 1984. Of his sickness, he said, "Hours of solitude, hours of creation, hours of meditation. Solitude and meditation gave me an awareness, a perspective which I have never lost: that of solidarity with the rest of mankind."

Father: (railway engineer)

    High School: Teresiano College (1913)
    Law School: University of Madrid (1920)
    Teacher: Business Law, University of Madrid (1920-21)

    Nobel Prize for Literature 1977
    Coma 1984
    Risk Factors: Tuberculosis

Author of books:
�mbito (1928)
Espadas Como Labios (1932)
Pasi�n de la Tierra (1935)
La Destrucci�n o el Amor (1935)
Sombra del para�so (1944)
En la Vida del Poeta (1950)
Mundo a Solas (1950)
Poemas Paradis�acos (1952)
Nacimiento �ltimo (1953)
Historia del Coraz�n (1954)
Algunos Caracteres de la Nueva Poes�a Espa�ola (1955)
Mis Poemas Mejores (1956)
Los Encuentros (1958)
Poes�as Completas (1960)
Poemas Amorosos (1960)
Antigua Casa Madrile�a (1961)
Picasso (1961)
En un Vasto Dominio (1962)
Presencias (1965)
Retratos con Nombre (1965)
Dos Vidas (1967)
Poemas de la Consumaci�n (1968)
Obras Completas (1968)
Antolog�a del Mar y de la Noche (1971)
Poes�a Superrealista (1971)
Sonido de la Guerra (1972)
Di�logos del Conocimiento (1974)
Antolog�a Total (1975)
The Cave of Night (1976)
Antolog�a Poet�ca (1977)
Destruction or Love (1977)
Twenty Poems (1977)
A Longing for the Light (1979)
The Crackling Sun (1981)
A Bird of Paper (1982)
World Alone (1982)
Aleixandre Para Ninos (1984)
Los Cuadernos de Velintonia (1986, published posthumously)
Epistolario (1986, published posthumously)
Nuevos Po�mas Varios (1987, published posthumously)
Shadow of Paradise (1987, published posthumously)
Prosas Recobradas (1987, published posthumously)
Lo Mejor de Vicente Aleixandre (1989, published posthumously)
En Gran Noche: Ultimos Poemas (1991, published posthumously)
Mire los Muros (1991, published posthumously)
Di� Logos del Conocimiento (1992, published posthumously)
Mundo a Solas (1998, published posthumously)
Poemas de la Consumaci�n (1998, published posthumously)
Destruction or Love (2000, published posthumously)
Correspondencia a la Generaci�n del 27 (1928�1984) (2001, published posthumously)
Poes�as Completas (2001, published posthumously)
Prosas Completas (2002, published posthumously)
Cartas de Vicente Aleixandre a Jos� Antonio Mu�oz Rojas (1937�1984) (2005, published posthumously)
Antolog�a de la poes�a oral traum�tica, c�smica y tan�tica de Vicente Aleixandre (2005, published posthumously)

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