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Max Brod

Born: 27-May-1884
Birthplace: Prague, Austria-Hungary
Died: 20-Dec-1968
Location of death: Tel Aviv, Israel
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Novelist

Nationality: Israel
Executive summary: The Redemption of Tycho Brahe

Editor of Franz Kafka's works, and executor to his estate.

Wife: Elsa Taussig (m. 1913)

    University: University of Prague

Author of books:
Schlo� Nornepygge (1908, novel)
Tycho Brahes Weg zu Gott (1916, novel)
Heidentum, Christentum, Judentum (1921, essays)
Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt (1927, novel)
Zauberreich der Liebe (1928, novel)
Franz Kafka, eine Biographie (1937, biography)
Diesseits und Jenseits (1946-47, essays, 2 vols.)

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