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The Báb

AKA Siyyid Mírzá Alí-Muhammad

Born: 20-Oct-1819
Birthplace: Shiraz, Persia
Died: 9-Jul-1850
Location of death: Fortress of Chihriq, Tabriz, Persia
Cause of death: Execution
Remains: Buried, Shrine of the B�b, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel

Gender: Male
Religion: Shia Muslim
Race or Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Religion

Nationality: Persia
Executive summary: Forerunner of Baha'i

Former merchant, claimed his messiahship in 1844 only to be executed by the Persian state six years later. The B�b prophecied that another greater messiah would follow him. In the coming years, 25 B�b� followers would claim to fulfill this prophecy, but the one who ultimately succeeded was Bah�'u'll�h, founder of Bah�'�.

B�b is Arabic for "gateway".

Wife: Khadíjih-Bagum (m. 1842)
Son: Ahmad (d. infancy)

    Founded Religion
    House Arrest 1846
    Blasphemy (Jul-1848)
    Shot: Firing Squad 9-Jul-1850

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