Pederast, poet, and novelist who opposed fascism and advocated liberation through sensuous hedonism.
[1] Ancestors of families of both his parents were Protestant, though his mother's immediate family was Roman Catholic.
Father: Paul Gide (Sorbonne professor, d. 1880)
Mother: Juliette Rondeaux (d. May-1895)
Wife: Madeleine Rondeaux (his cousin, m. 8-Oct-1895, d. 1938)
Boyfriend: Marc Allégret (film director, travelling companion)
Boyfriend: Roger Martin du Gard (author)
Slept with: Maria Van Rysselberghe (one daughter)
Daughter: Catherine (b. 1923, with Maria)
High School: École Alsacienne, Paris
High School: Lycée Henri-IV
Nobel Prize for Literature 1947
Traveled to the USSR 1936
Dreyfus Affair
French Ancestry
Risk Factors: Tuberculosis
Fanny (2-Nov-1932)
Is the subject of books:
Bibliographie des �crits de Andr� Gide, 1949, BY: Arnold Naville
Portrait of Andr� Gide, 1953, BY: Justin O'Brien
Andr� Gide: His Life and Art, 1965, BY: Wallace Fowlie
Author of books:
Les Cahiers d'Andr� Walter (1891)
Le Voyage d'Urien (1893)
Les Nourritures Terrestres (1897, poetry)
Marshlands (1894)
Le Prom�th�e mal Encha�n� (1899)
L'Immoraliste (1902)
La Porte �troite (1909)
La Symphonie Pastorale (1919)
Les Caves du Vatican (1914)
Corydon (1924)
Les Faux-Monnayeurs (1926, novel)
Si le Grain ne Meurt (1926, memoir)
Voyage au Congo (1927, travelogue)
Retour de l'U.R.S.S. (1936)
Retouches � mon retour de l'U.R.S.S. (1937)
Journal, 1889�1939 (1939, journal)