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Pope Gregory VI

AKA Johannes Gratianus

Born: ?
Died: 1048
Location of death: Cologne, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Religion

Nationality: Italy
Executive summary: Roman Catholic Pope, 1045-46

Gregory VI, Roman Catholic Pope from 1045 to 1046. As Johannes Gratianus he had earned a high reputation for learning and probity, and in 1045 he bought the Roman pontificate from his godson Benedict IX. At a council held by the emperor Henry III at Sutri in 1046, he was rightly accused of simony and deposed. He was banished into Germany, where he died in 1047. He was accompanied into exile by his young prot�g� Hildebrand (afterwards pope as Gregory VII), and was succeeded by Pope Clement II.

    Roman Catholic Pope (1045-46)

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